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What’s happeningThis site has not been updated for a long while, other than Virage Corner, a …2021/09/18Commentary2021-09-18 12:20:19
I am just going outside and may be some time…………….Is what I should have said, but didn’t on September 27, 2016, the date of …2018/08/09Commentary2018-08-09 18:49:30
If you have a Yahoo or Flickr account, read this!Like many people, I have a Yahoo account (for news updates and Flickr). Now it …2016/09/27Technology2016-09-27 16:31:53
Brexit – the ugly options for TradeThis is (as far as I can make it) a factual analysis of the trade …2016/09/03Commentary2016-09-03 11:53:36
Brexit – the Turkey optionA customs Union with the EU is an attractive option for many Brexit proponents. The …2016/09/02Commentary2016-09-02 16:32:14
Malasana portraitsI am slowly grinding through my backlog of photographs for processing. I have now reached …2016/08/28Photographs2016-08-28 00:02:41
Hoods with style – the gorgeous automobiles of Dick’s classic garageAnother photo essay, from a recent visit to the USA.  I’ve just got back from …2016/08/27Photographs2016-08-27 18:27:04
Brexit – Is Andrea Leadsom the UK’s Carly Fiorina?The more I see Brexit’s Andrea Leadsom, the more I am reminded of Carly Fiorina …2016/07/04Commentary2016-07-04 10:48:28
Harry McAughtry – his life and timesMy dear father, Harry McAughtry passed away on 8th February this year, and his funeral …2016/03/21Harry and Joyce2016-03-21 18:21:17
Harry McAughtry – goodbye to my dear fatherWe are all so sad. On the morning of 8th February, my kind, funny, and …2016/02/10Harry and Joyce2016-02-10 09:55:12
Tim Harford and the distractionsI am rarely inspired these days.  But I stumbled across this and was a bit …2016/01/15Commentary2016-01-15 07:01:19
Getting the breadToday’s photo:Getting the bread. This shot was taken in Nalliers, on the river Gartempe in …2016/01/05Photographs2016-01-05 18:58:41
Low light under the bridgeToday’s photo:Low light under the bridge. An early evening shot, with light coming in almost …2016/01/04Photographs2016-01-04 12:25:59
Pont Alexandre IIIToday’s photo:Pont Alexandre III. A long exposure shot of the Seine at the Pont Alexandre …2015/12/28Photographs2015-12-28 11:48:26
Gironde Carrelet at dusk” Today’s photo:Gironde Carrelet at dusk. An evening long exposure shot around sunset, of one …2015/12/15Photographs2015-12-15 16:13:58
Torre de Belém at dawnToday’s photo:Torre de Belém at dawn. A long exposure shot taken at the Belem tower …2015/10/02Photographs2015-10-02 09:01:29
You’ll appreciate our high-speed checkout facilitiesToday’s photo:You’ll appreciate our high-speed checkout facilities. Shot in the glamorous Erith waterfront on the …2015/09/30Photographs2015-09-30 10:09:17
The Lonely Tuba playerToday’s photo:The Lonely Tuba player. I was surprised to see a full marching band in …2015/07/09Photographs2015-07-09 11:31:00
The fashion watchersThe fashion dummies just can’t make their minds up.  Shot in Salamanca, Madrid on my …2015/06/06Photographs2015-06-06 07:52:00
I’m watching you while he’s watching me.There is a lot of sitting done in Madrid, and a fair bit of watching. …2015/06/05Photographs2015-06-05 16:42:24
The Madrid path to perfection“Dreams plus workout” may lead to success, but more often will lead to severe injuries …2015/06/04Uncategorized2015-06-04 17:25:25
Ducatos – better than a vacation“A vacation is an occasional pleasure but a Ducatos is always a smoke”. A rough …2015/06/03Photographs2015-06-03 17:57:23
The nightmare of the FBTs“On learning the latest results from the precision travel scales”. Closely modelled on Goya’s very …2015/06/01Travel2015-06-01 14:58:26
Madrid street – chumsOut in the street yesterday with  my Olympus and a fast telephoto lens.  Like so …2015/06/01Photographs2015-06-01 05:54:45
How to skip lunchVery minor modification to the plan to skip lunch today. The miniature hip-bath of fois …2015/05/31Travel2015-05-31 13:56:02
How to order in MadridI have learned two new things in the last 24 hours about Madrid. (1). Always …2015/05/31Travel2015-05-31 12:34:08
The Greeting (and the Fish and Chip Impasse)Our local hardware shop in France. Notable because of the unsettling greeting of the prop. …2015/05/22Travel2015-05-22 07:21:20
Boat and mill at NalliersToday’s photo:  Boat and mill at Nalliers. An abandoned fishing boat tied up opposite the …2015/05/20Photographs2015-05-20 08:26:28
SmokeToday’s photo:Smoke. In between the extended periods of summer rain the English like to take …2015/05/11Photographs2015-05-11 09:20:35
Blue and GoldToday’s photo:  Blue and Gold. A long exposure shot taken near Simonstown in the Cape …2015/05/05Photographs2015-05-05 09:10:42
Shoeburyness (next to Godliness)Today’s photo: Another long exposure shot taken at Shoeburyness on my on my exciting Southend …2015/04/29Photographs2015-04-29 16:52:37
You no see me (teehee)Today’s photo: A curious but shy girl in a pagoda in Yangon. Note: Click photo …2015/04/13Photographs2015-04-13 09:45:14
Champs en feu” Today’s photo: Long low evening light over just harvested wheat fields in central France, …2015/04/08Uncategorized2015-04-08 11:54:26
A Coda….It’s been a week since we said goodbye to my mother, and I’m coming to …2015/04/03Commentary2015-04-03 17:55:01
Farewell, my beautiful, kind and funny motherWe said goodbye to Joyce yesterday, at the little Kentish church she loved, with family, …2015/03/28Harry and Joyce2015-03-28 11:53:22
Oh Shoeburyness, Shoeburyness – the greatest gift that I possessToday’s photo: Another long exposure shot taken near Southend, UK, at Shoeburyness. Ah… Ken Dodd.  …2015/03/09Photographs2015-03-09 17:47:09
New New NewIn something of a surprising turn of events, I have managed to get quite a …2015/03/09Commentary2015-03-09 11:10:11
Shoeburyness – arrow to the sea” Today’s photo: A long exposure shot taken near Southend, UK, at Shoeburyness. This used …2015/03/06Photographs2015-03-06 09:49:12
Pensive” Today’s photo:  A serious gaze from this boy in the market in New Bagan, …2015/03/01Photographs2015-03-01 10:51:40
On second thoughts I think I’ll walk.” Click photo to enlarge – back button to return. Taken on the shoreline facing …2015/02/28Photographs2015-02-28 11:03:40
The poolClick to see in full screen, back button to return to this page Today’s photograph: …2015/02/27Photographs2015-02-27 09:22:02
Paris – low cold winter sunAnother fine if freezing day, this time in Paris, after which I feel fully arted, …2015/01/24Commentary2015-01-24 19:00:03
Old Orleans – lightly frisked and chilled to the boneHoled up on a freezing day in a cafe in the centre of Orleans, en-route …2015/01/23Travel2015-01-23 18:57:37
I’m not excitedI had a great, almost charmed life as an IBM executive.  One of the things …2015/01/10Commentary2015-01-10 12:46:21
Old salts in Salt River Click to show full size & back button to return to this page Happy New …2015/01/06Photographs2015-01-06 20:07:18
Alex goes to Salt RiverThis is the first of a series of shots taken in the footsteps of the …2014/12/31Photographs2014-12-31 20:17:54
Company Gardens PixieClick to show full screen. The last few days in Cape Town were pretty hectic, …2014/12/29Photographs2014-12-29 11:05:07
Salt River SundayAgain with some Street photography.  I chanced upon Salt River railway station while wandering around …2014/12/14Photographs2014-12-14 12:09:10
Yellow, Red, OrangeClick to enlarge Another Shot from Bo-Kaap. This is again untweaked – these are the …2014/12/10Photographs2014-12-10 07:41:54
Morning, crashing seaClick to enlarge. I rose yesterday morning with no trace of the hangover that might …2014/12/08Photographs2014-12-08 08:03:47
Riders from the seaI have wanted to take this shot for a while after having noticed the effect …2014/12/05Photographs2014-12-05 08:55:17
The hill’s on fire!A huge mountain fire last night. This shot was taken from our house across the …2014/12/04Photographs2014-12-04 09:35:27
Chromatic loveTaken in the Bo-Kaap district of Cape Town.  The walls are really that colour. In …2014/12/02Photographs2014-12-02 08:42:58
On Long StLittle bit of street now. As I write, I’m sitting outside Lola’s cafe on the …2014/11/30Photographs2014-11-30 12:29:27
Heavy evening surfJust beyond these rocks is where the Noordhoek surfers go – it was pretty wild …2014/11/28Photographs2014-11-28 17:42:50
After dusk on Noordhoek Beach  The scene on Noordhoek Beach  20 minutes after sunset, looking away from the sea. …2014/11/24Photographs2014-11-24 15:55:21
Kommejtkie rockpoolA morning walk with M*t*n and P*tt* on the beach at Kommejtkie.   Walkers, surfers, dogs …2014/11/23Photographs2014-11-23 22:09:05
Morning, pristineToday’s picture. Taken at about 8:30am on Noordhoek beach before the arrival of many children.  …2014/11/22Photographs2014-11-22 14:36:06
Waiting for the TaxiWaiting for the taxi OK. This might be a bit messy, but this is the …2014/11/21Photographs2014-11-21 13:11:25
Mandela’s FuneralBack again after a longish hiatus (explained below), with shots that capture the emotional scene …2014/09/01Photographs2014-09-01 18:34:44
The fallen tree in the forest – my photographs and FlickrA musing on the process of taking and then showing photographs, and a partial explanation …2014/05/27Commentary, Photographs2014-05-27 17:48:01
On Portability – can a phone substitute for a camera?My recent adventures with the world’s only phone capable of taking RAW images.  How does …2014/04/21Photographs, Technology2014-04-21 11:42:42
Spring in the Japanese GardensBack in the Water Gardens in time for the Spring Blossom – one very fine …2014/04/08Photographs2014-04-08 17:08:34
The death of Mandela – Cape Town PicturesThe scene in Cape Town the weekend after Mandela died – when the great and …2014/03/31Photographs2014-03-31 17:15:16
Rusting land yachts at the Wijnlands Motor MuseumSome evocative shots showing the passing of time on several different levels, from an amazing …2014/03/28Photographs, Travel2014-03-28 12:36:26
Moved!This site has changed host location.  Nothing should change except performance.         …2014/03/27Technology2014-03-27 10:11:30
South Africa vs Australia Test Match at Newlands – March 2014Some high speed telephoto shots of the South African’s herculean and ultimately unsuccessful efforts to …2014/03/22Photographs2014-03-22 17:40:05
London GeometrySome recent photographs which focus on lines and shapes, taken in and around London.   …2014/03/15Photographs2014-03-15 16:20:30
The Wolfberg Cracks and Arch – David’s photographsFull-size photographs of the amazing scenery of the Wolfberg cracks and arch from our trip …2014/02/20Photographs, Travel2014-02-20 19:13:08
The Wolfberg Cracks and Arch – M*rt*n’s storyLast November M*rt*n and I travelled to the Cederbergs – a spectacular mountain region several …2014/02/14Travel2014-02-14 19:24:13
The ruined villas of Kep-sur-MerA final photo-essay from our  trip last autumn. This time it is the elegiac ruined …2014/01/31Photographs, Travel2014-01-31 10:30:06
Cambodia – the crab ladies of KepA photographic study of the crab catchers – all women –  of Kep on the …2014/01/24Photographs2014-01-24 18:10:35
Myanmar – the Chickadee photographsFinal set from our Myanmar trip.  These are the shots that the Chickadee took as …2014/01/21Photographs2014-01-21 12:28:19
Myanmar – Bagan and YangonThe penultimate set of photos from this trip.  Our last two destinations, the amazing temples …2014/01/15Photographs2014-01-15 18:17:26
Myanmar – MandalayOn to Mandalay – with some street shots of market traders and world rulers, plus …2014/01/08Photographs2014-01-08 10:42:02
Myanmar – Fishermen and the stupas of IndeinThird Installment of Myanmar photos from Inle Lake.  This time the amazing fishermen and the …2014/01/06Photographs2014-01-06 12:45:23
Myanmar – Inle and the journey to the second lakeThe second installment of Myanmar photographs here.  These show a lot more of daily life …2013/12/27Photographs2013-12-27 18:29:27
Myanmar – Views of the TreasureThe Chickadee and I did a circuit of Myanmar in late September and October.  I …2013/12/23Photographs2013-12-23 19:38:37
London Street Photographs – the Scottish armySome recent shots of terrifying looking Scottish football supporters in London.   One day during …2013/11/07Photographs2013-11-07 12:41:26
London Street Photographs – geometrySome more London street shots exploring different areas of style – this time looking at …2013/09/16Photographs2013-09-16 06:27:28
Notes from la VienneA few observations from the parallel world that is rural France.  Including a literal example …2013/09/14Travel2013-09-14 10:47:29
London Street Photographs – building a styleSome more London street shots – now working on closer shots with wider lenses   …2013/09/03Photographs2013-09-03 11:15:47
Porsche 911 – my most expensive MOT everIn which after taking my Porsche 911 for a routine MOT (annual roadworthiness check) and …2013/08/31Technology2013-08-31 18:00:11
Some new London Street Photographs with the Nex-6I’ve been working and thinking quite a lot about street photography this summer, and developing …2013/08/23Photographs2013-08-23 09:19:14
NSA, GCHQ, and XKeyscore – missing nothingThe Guardian in the last month has confirmed more or less everything I wrote back …2013/08/03Commentary2013-08-03 09:23:19
London Street Photographs with the RX-100London life from April this year – shot round Soho and Waterloo   No question …2013/08/02Photographs2013-08-02 18:07:35
Virage vacuum piping – removing the Plenum ChamberAnother item of interest only to the tiny band of enthusiastic but long-suffering Virage owners …2013/08/02Technology2013-08-02 09:50:50
Boundless Intrusion – it’s much bigger than Prism   The recent flurry caused by Edward Snowden’s revelations on Prism is welcome – this …2013/06/22Commentary2013-06-22 08:50:47
Virage corner – exciting new informationYou might want to be seated and fully relaxed for this one.  Yet more information …2013/06/21Technology2013-06-21 17:11:40
Faith restored in French cuisineMagnificent eating in Rouen the other night – showing that at least in some quarters …2013/06/20Travel2013-06-20 10:11:06
Virage Corner update – new pics of the process for removing water from the fuel tankOf interest to a maximum of 5 people in the world – but possibly very …2013/06/19Technology2013-06-19 16:45:13
Windows 8 tip – keyboard shortcut for detailsQuick (genuine) tip  here – a super fast way to change the view you see …2013/06/19Technology2013-06-19 15:28:56
Aaron Liddard – Sweet and StrongAnother stonking night this Tuesday at the Grey Horse in Kingston. The John Bird Big …2013/06/14Concerts2013-06-14 07:46:29
Four trees in black and whiteI’ve been experimenting lately with black and white images, particularly with the various possibilities of …2013/05/19Photographs2013-05-19 18:22:59
I’m not sleepy (and there ain’t no place I’m going to)In the dead reaches there is plenty of time to think.  And there have been …2013/04/15Commentary2013-04-15 11:18:24
Auto-anti-b*st*rdizer newsThe recent attack on WordPress sites has made me look harder at visitors to this …2013/04/13Technology2013-04-13 12:33:28
M. Thatcher memorial Denial of Service attack* – normal service hopefully restoredNo doubt to signal their displeasure at the public money about to be wasted on …2013/04/12Technology2013-04-12 15:03:55
Plus ça change, plus c’est vraiment différentOn the way to our place in France, I was able to reflect on the …2013/04/10Commentary2013-04-10 10:25:13
RX-100 long exposure shots from Cape TownA few final seascape shots from Cape Town using the ability of the RX-100 to …2013/03/26Photographs2013-03-26 18:57:33
Hitler and I learn of the impending demise of Google ReaderWhile Hitler makes his feelings about this incredibly dumb decision by Google very clear, mine …2013/03/25Technology2013-03-25 10:10:37
Possibly the most irritating thing about British Airways.In which listening to some opera brings back a wave of forgotten memories about the …2013/03/16Commentary2013-03-16 17:47:28
More Cape Town Photos – spot the S3 oneStill carrying the RX-100 around everywhere and getting the odd nice shot when the opportunity …2013/03/15Photographs2013-03-15 10:58:40
Autumn in Cape Town – RX 100 photographsBack in the warm south thankfully.  Here are a few photographs of the area immediately …2013/03/07Photographs2013-03-07 10:24:38
Type “zerg rush” into Google.“Zerg Rush is an online gaming term used to describe an overwhelming scale of attack …2013/02/26Snippets2013-02-26 19:37:23
Three from Imgur.1. My boyfriend of 7 years and I are both physicists. Here’s how he proposed …2013/02/24Snippets2013-02-24 21:18:23
London in February – RX100 photographsFollowing on from the Ravelious piece in the last post, here are some shots taken …2013/02/18Photographs2013-02-18 09:50:08
The paradox of Tyler CowenWorld music CDs of recent times/2012 Tyler Cowen is the right-leaning economist who runs the …2013/02/17Snippets, Uncategorized2013-02-17 20:55:48
Shooting at the Sun – James Ravilious and lens hoodsThe work of a noted English photographer leads to the discovery of a useful camera …2013/02/16Photographs, Technology2013-02-16 12:03:14
The Dales in JanuarySome photographs by way of a change of subject from technology.  These shots are of …2013/02/14Photographs2013-02-14 17:06:04
Windows 8 – Pentium 4 warning and Media Centre offerIn the last post I extolled the virtues of Windows 8 and recommended that you …2013/01/30Technology2013-01-30 09:53:22
Microsoft XP warning – act now and get a bargain (this is not an advert!)I meant to write this post last month – and now this warning is very …2013/01/21Technology2013-01-21 22:48:05
Sailing at 120kph – “that’s it… we’ve smashed the *rs* off it”British design breakthrough – fastest ever speed attained in a sailing boat.  The video is …2012/11/23Technology2012-11-23 09:49:24
Petraus – beyond credibilityThis story continues to surpass all normal levels of conjecture. The reported 20-30,000 page Kelly/Allen …2012/11/14Snippets2012-11-14 17:38:18
How to Be the Most Helpful Slave You Can Be for Me and My BabyOn one or other of my Android tablets I scan around 90 web sites daily, …2012/11/12Snippets2012-11-12 05:14:09
In a surprising turn of events a good little’n beats several good big’nsIn prior posts I have waxed on and so on and so forth about my …2012/10/22Technology2012-10-22 16:53:30
Autumn in Richmond ParkArrived back in the UK from a short Malaysia trip to find Autumn in full …2012/10/15Uncategorized2012-10-15 10:17:05
Saturday in St Savin – now available to Apple usersSaturday was a typically not very busy day here in the Vienne. In this post …2012/09/25Photographs2012-09-25 15:53:00
The Vienne in AutumnWe are back in our favorite quiet corner of France to pay bills and agree …2012/09/25Photographs2012-09-25 08:36:07
Street photographs with the RX-100My new little Sony RX-100 camera has sparked a renewed interest in taking lots of …2012/09/14Photographs2012-09-14 22:32:54
On Portability – Cameras Part 8: the latest little thingIn the series up to now I have been chasing the ideal portable camera.  I’ve …2012/09/14Technology2012-09-14 10:30:59
How to put an end to printer cartridge miseryGenuine tip warning!  Like most of us I suspect,  I have never found a printer …2012/09/02Wheezes2012-09-02 13:11:32
On Portability – Cameras part 7: The one in your handMy recent posts of Olympics photographs made me think more about practicality in portable cameras, …2012/08/30Technology2012-08-30 18:27:12
Olympics – closing ceremonyThanks to a very generous friend, I was able to be at the Olympic stadium …2012/08/29Photographs2012-08-29 17:52:39
I always wanted to waltz in Berlin – with the GandinisA while ago I happened across the wonderful Gandini jugglers.  Looking them up I found …2012/08/29Exhibitions and shows2012-08-29 10:01:46
Womens football final – Japanese fans really quite scrutableWonderful evening at the women’s football final between USA and Japan.  I ended up in …2012/08/11Photographs2012-08-11 10:06:51
Olympics Stadium and Mr Bolt – PhotosA wonderful morning at the Olympic Stadium on Tuesday.  I went just to soak up …2012/08/10Photographs2012-08-10 09:03:25
On Portability – Cameras part 6: Canon SX220Time to return to the subject of portability in cameras.  This post is non-technical (ish) …2012/08/05Technology2012-08-05 11:43:36
I like bananas, and apples, and these jugglersNot in a bad mood to start with, I chanced across these jugglers the other …2012/07/31Out and About2012-07-31 23:52:29
Well hello again – I should stay away more oftenAs I will detail in subsequent posts, this has been an exceptionally busy time, and …2012/07/31Commentary2012-07-31 11:29:04
River Pageant – finale video and Final Day flypast photsThe best part of the Pageant was at the end, when the orchestra and singers …2012/06/05Photographs2012-06-05 19:15:32
The Jubilee Thames Pageant – PhotosA magnificent day on Sunday the 3rd, as we watched the amazing Thames Pageant.  I …2012/06/04Photographs2012-06-04 18:12:32
On Portability – Cameras Part 5: Resolution testsGird yourself here, this post is extra-wonky. Alternatively, you can brace yourself.  As you may …2012/05/10Technology2012-05-10 18:41:44
On Portability – Cameras part 4: Fuji F600 and F900After too long a delay, I am going to finish off this series about good …2012/05/08Technology2012-05-08 18:50:26
On Portability – Cameras part 3: Fuji EXR technologyWarning – more than slightly wonkish!  In this section, I want to focus on the …2012/04/16Technology2012-04-16 18:45:48
Fuji F600 London PhotosWhen I got back to London in March, my new Fuji F600EXR was waiting for …2012/04/15Photographs, Travel2012-04-15 17:54:47
The Scream at Sotheby’s – Go![singlepic id=154 w=320 h=240 float=left] Some of the rarest and most exquisite works of art …2012/04/13Exhibitions and shows2012-04-13 17:33:07
On Portability – Cameras part 2: Panasonic, Sony, NikonIn the prior post I looked at the differences in portability in the 5 cameras …2012/04/10Technology2012-04-10 14:49:52
On Portability – Cameras part 1: Big to smallI’ve always been on a quest for the ideal digital camera. As technology keeps advancing, …2012/04/09Technology2012-04-09 09:56:11
Nar-phu trek (2009) selected photographsIn my last post I described a new approach to showing images from Himalayan and other …2012/03/17Photographs2012-03-17 08:31:31
Photographing treks – a recording journeyOver my past 5 years or so of trekking, I have struggled with a way …2012/03/16Photographs, Travel2012-03-16 18:30:17
Systems check for runnersIn a recent post I wrote about the little reward of a decent lunch after …2012/03/08Health and exercise2012-03-08 08:23:11
Otter Trail 2012: My favourite picturesIt pains me to write this, but I suspect that some of the readers of …2012/03/06Photographs, Travel2012-03-06 09:22:09
Otter Trail 2012: M*rt*n’s diaryHaving put up a few pics of the recent Otter trail, it’s time for a …2012/03/03Travel2012-03-03 15:03:10
Runner’s reward – Cape TownThere is an odd feature about life down here.  I can run harder, longer and …2012/03/01Health and exercise, Travel2012-03-01 08:36:03
Goebbels’ heirsMusings on the occasional use of truth in politics. Nearly ten years ago, in the …2012/02/28Commentary2012-02-28 16:01:38
How to gain weight by drinking beaver anal gland juiceA few fun food facts for you today – to both inform and revolt. Despite …2012/02/21Commentary2012-02-21 08:39:25
The Otter Trail 2012: Photo albumFor years I have been wanting to go on the Otter trail – probably the …2012/02/15Photographs, Travel2012-02-15 09:23:06
Wizards of WonkThe saintly Paul Krugman (of whom more later) often helpfully tags his columns in the …2012/01/19Technology2012-01-19 13:54:59
Some Malaysia travel snaps (with a little work from LR3 and Sagelight)As is my practice now, I only took my little Fuji F900EXR camera with me …2012/01/17Photographs, Travel2012-01-17 08:13:30
A Night at Ril’s Steakhouse (vegetarians should not view this post)Those that prefer plants turn your eyes away now – This steak is medium rare! …2012/01/11Travel2012-01-11 03:54:51
Apple stuffingA while ago I wrote a series of posts on why I really didn’t care …2012/01/08Technology2012-01-08 01:31:41
Bali jamOn the plane back to KL  there were a few moments to reflect on what …2012/01/05Photographs, Travel2012-01-05 00:15:06
It’s Alive!Those that regularly visited this site may have been under the impression that I died …2011/12/30Commentary2011-12-30 03:39:35
Ril’s at the Warehouse – new photos and reviewsThe new restaurant above the Warehouse Gallery and Cafe in KL’s chinatown has now opened. …2011/10/17Travel2011-10-17 16:47:23
Angkor templesFinally I have got round to processing and uploading photos from Angkor Wat.  First tranche …2011/10/08Photographs, Travel2011-10-08 11:12:39
French Lunch (in France)In a previous post I ruminated on the oddly poor quality of French supermarket wine …2011/09/26Travel2011-09-26 20:29:34
Cambodian ImagesSome snaps from my recent trip from Phnom Phen and Siem Reip. A bit of …2011/09/22Photographs, Travel2011-09-22 19:56:38
Gerald Brooks on the legendary organ at the Abattiale de St OuenA once-in-a-lifetime experience listening to a very unique instrument. In a previous post I wrote …2011/09/16Concerts2011-09-16 09:45:31
Lucinda, the Chickadee, Margaret, and Lake CharlesIn which I track down the sad story behind one of the chickadee’s favourite songs, …2011/09/14Commentary2011-09-14 08:11:52
The Warehouse gallery and cafe – Kuala LumpurBrilliant new art gallery and cafe in downtown KL – best coffee in Chinatown, and …2011/09/06Travel2011-09-06 05:47:53
Slow boat to HeathrowOver twenty-five years of intensive traveling, I must have made (I roughly calculate) more than …2011/08/30Travel2011-08-30 00:12:00
The trouble they’re in – part 3: Google’s problems with AppleApple’s all-out assault on Android around the world is Google’s biggest problem by far.  And …2011/08/25Technology2011-08-25 09:39:08
The trouble they’re in – part 2: Google’s problems with OracleGoogle’s Android problems with Microsoft and GNU might seem bad enough.  But they are chickenfeed compared to …2011/08/20Technology2011-08-20 17:22:33
The Neville strides out*Stride piano.  Something that you don’t hear every decade. The second album I ever bought, …2011/08/19Concerts2011-08-19 15:43:47
The trouble they’re in – part 1: Google’s patent problems with MS and LinuxGoogle is in real trouble with patents, and it could threaten the whole company.  This …2011/08/18Technology2011-08-18 09:38:51
London in 3D! – Google maps adds a dimensionIn a previous post I reviewed the Google Maps app for Android and iPhone, and …2011/08/17Technology2011-08-17 17:44:53
How honest are we. Really. (updated)In all the middle-class hand-wringing about the riots, the universal refrain is that the looters …2011/08/15Commentary2011-08-15 17:54:00
Struth – what about them Hungarians thenIn the 20 years before the first world war, Hungary produced an extraordinarily high proportion of …2011/08/13Exhibitions and shows2011-08-13 17:25:40
Greece is the wordHustling through. Waterloo station on Friday, I noticed numerous identical little ladies in pink t-shirts collecting …2011/08/13Commentary2011-08-13 08:01:14
Thomas Trotter thrillingly manipulates Albert Hall’s massive organ in front of large crowdPumping away vigorously, the monumental  Albert Hall organ was given a sustained pounding by Thomas …2011/08/11Concerts2011-08-11 07:03:55
The Aston-Martin Virage – Part 4: bodyworkThe Virage is one of the largest hand-built aluminium cars ever made.   You would have …2011/08/10Technology2011-08-10 07:46:54
on Portability – iPad vs Transformer updateThe iPad2 revisited in depth.  How does it look now? Flicking through the web on …2011/08/07Technology2011-08-07 21:09:54
The Aston-Martin Virage – Part 3: maintenanceKeeping this classic car running smoothly. The Virage can be had for relatively low prices, …2011/08/07Technology2011-08-07 08:55:12
Jayhawks blow the bl**dy doors off in Kentish TownAlso, new camera proves quite effective, so your correspondent doubly chuffed.   I have always …2011/08/07Concerts2011-08-07 08:03:58
The Aston-Martin Virage – Part 2: The engineThe 5.3 litre V8 of the Virage is at the same time the essence and …2011/08/06Technology2011-08-06 10:31:33
The Aston-Martin Virage – Part 1: A thoroughbred classicOne sunny Friday morning in May 2002, your correspondent was returning from his weekly commute …2011/08/05Technology2011-08-05 09:29:57
On Portability – Systems Part 8: Android and Transformer security and round-upIn this, the last post of the Transformer series, I’ll cover security issues, look at …2011/08/03Technology2011-08-03 09:18:03
On Portability – Systems Part 7: Android software (part b)In prior posts I have covered the core browsing software for Android tablets as well …2011/08/02Technology2011-08-02 11:59:48
On Portability – Systems Part 6: Transformer keyboardOK, enough with  the sentimentality already.  In the previous post I looked at the excellent …2011/07/28Technology2011-07-28 18:55:51
Portugheis plays DebussyFriends and family probably don’t think of me as an emotional person.  Yet I do …2011/07/27Concerts2011-07-27 17:55:40
On Portability – Systems Part 5: Android keyboardsThe last post (mournful trumpet sound) on Portability covered the core systems and browsing experience …2011/07/27Technology2011-07-27 08:56:30
On Portability – Systems Part 4: Android software (part a)The prior post was on the hardware of the interesting Asus Transformer Android tablet.  In …2011/07/26Technology2011-07-26 21:18:31
On Portability – Systems Part 3: the Asus Transformer:hardwareIn previous posts on Portability I’ve covered what I don’t like or don’t any more …2011/07/25Technology2011-07-25 17:40:13
On Portability – Systems Part 2: Why I don’t much like AppleThis is the second in a series of posts about portable systems – focusing mainly …2011/07/23Technology2011-07-23 16:40:00
On Portability – Systems Part 1: BreakthroughsOn a brisk Spring day in March 1996 your correspondent was excitedly waiting outside the Aladdin’s cave …2011/07/20Technology2011-07-20 19:20:24
London lunchtime chamber music venuesNice places to listen to chamber music at lunchtime in London. In a previous post …2011/07/15Concerts2011-07-15 20:44:55
Murdoch and the death of New LabourOK it’s schadenfreude, but it is enjoyable This was not intended to be a site …2011/07/12Commentary2011-07-12 09:27:08
The Phoenix behindFamed family turn out to have quite interesting names after all I only occasionally go …2011/07/09Drollery2011-07-09 21:09:00
Lunchtime chamber music in LondonWhere to listen to short chamber concerts every working day of the week In 40 …2011/07/07Concerts2011-07-07 09:42:31
Al Di Meola at the Union ChapelGifted guitarist vigorously picks away. Eight years ago or so I was sitting 10 feet  behind …2011/07/03Concerts2011-07-03 07:19:04
Monty Alexander and successful Concertstuff trialWest Indian piano wizard vigorously thumps away  at keyboard in new Blues Festival – at …2011/06/30Concerts2011-06-30 09:44:54
Whitey Bulger and Fu ManchuA method formerly used to baffle fiendish mastermind Fu Manchu comes back into style It’s …2011/06/25Commentary2011-06-25 07:37:40
French wine (in France)At last an end to locally-bought French wines that taste rather unpleasant misery Like many …2011/06/22Wheezes2011-06-22 18:15:20
ConcertBevAt last: an end to ‘sit in rock-hard pew for two hours waiting for concert …2011/06/20Concerts, Wheezes2011-06-20 00:15:36
ConcertgripeAnnouncers at the beginning of concerts quite rightly request all phones and things that beep …2011/06/18Concerts2011-06-18 17:24:48
ConcertcushionAt last an end to aching backside caused by 90 minutes sitting on rock-hard pew …2011/06/17Concerts, Wheezes2011-06-17 16:09:20
Cape Town Photos Spring 2011 – the Argus bike raceI had so much fun with my Sony Nex-5 plus old Nikkor lenses that I …2011/06/14Photographs2011-06-14 22:28:32
Cape Town Photos Spring 2011  [singlepic id=2 w=534 h=400 float=left]This Spring in Cape Town I got back into serious …2011/06/12Photographs2011-06-12 18:19:24
Roger Ebert’s cartoon captionsRoger Ebert, the celebrated Chicago Sun-Times film critic and general good egg, recently won a …2011/05/31Drollery2011-05-31 07:44:55
Pet care and the raptureAn interesting quandary in the otherwise very certain moral world of the followers of Harold …2011/05/30Drollery2011-05-30 16:05:00
Jazzellerault 2011Jazzellerault After half a lifetime of coming to France from the UK, I am still …2011/05/30Concerts2011-05-30 15:34:13
The technology behind the new site.In an earlier post I described why I had to move the technology base of …2011/05/26Technology2011-05-26 04:37:00
Melissa Kenny and the Billroth quartetYoung Harpist plunks away to charming and dramatic effect. One of the joys of the …2011/05/13Concerts2011-05-13 13:44:00
Choeurs au DiapasonFrench choristers roar away to great effect. The French choir Choeurs au Diapason hail from …2011/05/09Concerts2011-05-09 14:36:20
Fratelli’s Deli, KingstonMy favourite Italian Deli in Kingston This post is really here to demonstrate to myself …2011/05/07Out and About2011-05-07 15:38:00
What happened to the old started in 1999 and used the best software at that time – FrontPage …2011/05/07Technology2011-05-07 11:50:18
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