London Street Photographs with the RX-100

London Street Photographs RX-100 May 2013 003London life from April this year – shot round Soho and Waterloo


No question I am severely behind on this site.  I thought I had published these back in May, but on rootling around, I noticed they were still sitting here in draft form.  So now they get published although they they have been on my Flickr and Google+ accounts for some time now.

I continue to be impressed by the RX-100 camera.  It’s been lightly superseded by the mark II version (which has essentially the same image quality), but still remains the most pocketable enthusiast camera around.  I have now found a Sony drawstring bag (from a sony flash unit) that fits it perfectly, and allows me to genuinely put it in my trouser pocket while walking around and keep it protected.

What’s been occupying me during the late spring and summer though is a new Sony, the NEX-6, which has drawn me into a frenzy of lens and camera buying, plus lots of testing.  I’ll publish a bit on that in the next few weeks, but for now here is the latest set from the little wonder. As usual, if you have Flash the photos are best seen in full screen (press FS in the bottom right hand corner), and in slide show ( press SL).   If you don’t have Flash, i.e if you are using an Apple iPad/Pod/Phone, or a Nexus 7/10 tablet, or any Android tablet running 4.1 +, you can now see them as well.  Just click any of the thumbnails and a full screen slide-show should start. Information on each photo can be seen by clicking on the ‘i’ symbol in the upper right corner of the screen show.


London Street Photographs RX-100 0413

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