Virage Corner
Flash alert!! Solution found for VIC – see last three posts below
This section is about the Aston-Martin Virage, the last of the true hand-built Astons. If you want to see why Virage owners love the car so much, this video beautifully shows it in motion and describes the feelings it evokes. As the last of the ‘real’ Astons, it’s value has been slow in appreciating, but they are starting to really pick up in price now.
I’ve owned one for the last 19 years or so, and have learned a lot of expensive lessons. This set of pages contains a summary of what I have found out about keeping the Virage running. Just about everything interesting has been discovered by my talented brother-in-law, who lovingly looks after it in Yorkshire.
Individual articles about the Virage are listed below the picture. We have more info to add on spare part availability etc, and will extend the content intermittently over time. Below is the list of current Virage pages – as we find solutions to more problems this list will extend.
Note that all VC pages can now be found from the Virage Corner menu item above.
New look and new Virage Community Resource
Firstly one bit of hopefully good news. I have rebuilt the site using a much faster and lighter system, and made the pages more readable as a result. In addition navigation in VC is now done from the top menu, which puts it in the same place wherever in the site you go.
The content is still as before, one of the few places on the web where multiple insights into the mysteries and quirks of the Virage V8 can be found in one place. However, for a number of reasons, I have not been able to moderate comments on Virage corner as fast as I would like. Firstly I have been swamped by spam in the comments section (which I will address). Secondly my attention has been elsewhere with other duties (and grandchildren), and finally, our Virage has been unused for the last 2 years – mostly due to Covid-19.
Another important factor was that while I was happy to help owners, my intention with Virage corner was to let other people know what we had found out, via information and ‘how to’ pages, and not to be a message board, or a funnel for queries back to G. However there have now been nearly 70 such requests, some of which I have been able to handle, but many to which I have not been able to respond. Until this year, I could not think of a way to handle these queries on a practical basis.
There used to be an excellent bulletin board at the Aston owners club site (AMOC) but it required (the rather pricey) AMOC membership, which I have long allowed to lapse. This now seems to have been replaced with a forum, with very poor indexing, and which seems to be almost exclusively concerned with the social side of AMOC.
Now, however, due to the excellent initiative of a fellow Virage enthusiast, and all-round good bloke, David Salmon of Salmon Consultancy, there is (since June 2021) a Facebook page for the long-suffering Virage community. Questions and hopefully answers can be posted there, and this is now a superb resource for us all, supplement I hope by the information in this site.
The link is here. I have joined and hope that many readers of this site will do also. Going forward, please note that while I am happy to approve comments and requests for help so they can be seen on Virage Corner by other users who might be able to help, G & I will no longer be answering them
- Introduction
- The Virage Engine
- Maintaining the Virage engine
- Bodywork
- Removing water from the Virage petrol tank
- Virage relays – one cause of the one-way journey
- Virage immobiliser – the elusive wiring diagram is tracked down
- Virage – fixing cracked vacuum pipes
- Virage radiator sensors – seals and electrical connections –
- Virage Brakes and Suspension joints
- Virage relays in detail – first place to look if you have over-revving or uneven running problems
- Virage reversing lights/start inhibit
- Virage timing chain tensioner and guide replacement
- Virage fuel filler cap fix – stop water getting into the fuel tank.
- Virage water temperature and throttle sensors – a possible cause of overrunning
- Virage – VIC background, and breakthrough in VIC repair
- Virage VIC – restoring the unit to life
- Detailed instructions on fixing the VIC