Brexit – the Turkey option

Turkey article

A customs Union with the EU is an attractive option for many Brexit proponents. The only major one concluded is with Turkey. Here’s what it involves…..the following is a description of the deal from it’s Wikepedia page. How do you like this particular bargain, Leavers?

  • Turkey, by accepting the customs union protocol, was giving the EU the power to manipulate the foreign relations of Turkey. Turkey was accepting all the treaties between EU and any non EU country (i.e. all the other countries in the world) by precondition. (16th and 55th articles[4] )
  • Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting not to do any treaties with any non-EU country without the knowledge of EU. Otherwise, EU had the right to intervene and annul that treaty. (56th article[4])
  • Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was unconditionally accepting to make laws which are parallel to the newer laws made for the customs union by EU. (8th article[4])
  • Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was accepting to obey the all laws and decisions of European Court of Justice, where there is no single Turkish judge. (64th article[4])
  • Turkey, by entering to the customs union, was opening its own market to European goods. The domestic goods of Turkey were in a great difficulty to compete against these due to a difference in quality. The European goods would flow into Turkey without any customs fee.

It may of course be that there is some deal that is not Norwegian one, and not the Turkish one, and not the Swiss one.  It’s completely unclear to me how then the EU would explain the crap deal these other states got.  In fact, the EU has made clear the terms of the UK deal again and again.  It’s Free Trade and EU rules, like free movement, and payment into the EU, or it’s the right to control our borders and WTO (World Trade Organisation) trade rules. All the evidence shows there is no magic place for the UK.  There certainly isn’t one for the US……

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