Harry McAughtry – goodbye to my dear father

We are all so sad. On the morning of 8th February, my kind, funny, and wise father Harry McAughtry passed away. A quiet hero for me all my life, he was a beacon of honour, humility, and selflessness. Along with my lovely mother he taught us all how to live, and he taught me how to live a logical life, and how to laugh at it. He passed quietly, without pain, and his final wishes are being honoured. I’ll write more about him soon, but I miss him more than I can say.

His funeral will be held at St Margaret’s church, Halstead, Kent on the 19th February at 1:45 for 2:00 pm, and all who knew and loved him are welcome to come to the service and to join us afterwards. Full details are shown below the photo – which is of Harry and Joyce at their 70th wedding anniversary, in 2013.

20130921 Mum and Dad 70th Wedding party 005Funeral Arrangements

The funeral will be held at St Margaret’s Church, Halstead, Kent, at 1:45 for 2:00pm on Friday 19th February 2016.  There will be a reception following this for family, and friends at Halstead village hall, which is a short drive from the church.

Details and Google map links for both locations are given below.

Location Details
St Margaret’s Church
Church Rd
Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 7HQ
Google Map location
Halstead Village Hall
Knockholt Rd
TN14 7EX
Google map location
If you would like to send flowers with the hearse, please contact Forget-me-not on 01689 853261, and mention the Harry McAughtry funeral.  If you are in the area, they are located next to the Funeral Directors in Crofton Road. Alternatively please make a donation to Oxfam or a charity of your choice.

If you would like to visit Harry one last time in the Chapel of rest, this will be possible on the morning of Friday 19th February, between 10:00 am and 12:00 am, by appointment with the Funeral Directors Francis Chappell  and sons on 01689 853277.  The Chapel of Rest is at their Farnborough premises, at:

332 Crofton Road
Locks Bottom
Orpington, Kent

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