Virage vacuum piping – removing the Plenum Chamber

Virage engine bay - Heating pipeAnother item of interest only to the tiny band of enthusiastic but long-suffering Virage owners I’m afraid.  But good news for them.



Over the last couple of years I have written about G*rr*’s amazing work in repairing the Virage Vacuum piping system – a source of many of the running problems in all models of the original Virage.  Over time I have added more and more info to Virage Corner on this topic as we/I learned more  However, while I have always stressed our opinion that to effectively repair the piping you need to detach (but not completely remove) the Plenum Chamber (don’t ask), there has been little effective info available on how to do it.  Now, I have assembled our most comprehensive and complete information set yet on how to carry out this long and complex task.  The documents available include new step-by-step instructions on detaching the Plenum Chamber, and a revised and enhanced description of the actual piping, including the changes that were made between early and late models.  It’s all available at this location, and we hope it helps other VIrage owners to get their car back to full performance.

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