Myanmar – Mandalay
On to Mandalay – with some street shots of market traders and world rulers, plus the wonderful U-Bein Bridge
We had heard mixed reviews of Mandalay, and we left the city with mixed feelings. One thing is for certain – it is not the exotic and romantic spot immortalized by Kipling. It’s a very busy, largely concrete-built city with intense traffic, and relatively few facilities for western tourists. Before we had even arrived at our hotel we resolved to fly out as soon as we could, and we booked a flight the following afternoon. The next morning however, we went to the wonderful U-Bein bridge at dawn, and then on to the north of the city, and particularly the Kuthadaw Pagoda, site of the biggest book in the world, and started to regret our early departure. I think I would go back, but would stay on the northwest of the city, nearer the huge fort and Mandalay hill. As ever the people were charming and helpful, and in this section I started to concentrate on them a little more. Information on how to view these photos is at the end of the post as usual.
Myanmar - Mandalay
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