
What’s happening

What’s happening

This site has not been updated for a long while, other than Virage Corner, a section that is simultaneously the most obscure and the most used of the entire site.  But I have doubled the number of repair and maintenance tips there, and should you happen to have one of the 363 Virage V8 coupes…


Brexit – the Turkey option

A customs Union with the EU is an attractive option for many Brexit proponents. The only major one concluded is with Turkey. Here’s what it involves…..the following is a description of the deal from it’s Wikepedia page. How do you like this particular bargain, Leavers? Turkey, by accepting the customs union protocol, was giving the…


Brexit – Is Andrea Leadsom the UK’s Carly Fiorina?

The more I see Brexit’s Andrea Leadsom, the more I am reminded of Carly Fiorina (the US business leader who forced the HP acquisition of Compaq, and more recently attacked Hilary Clinton and Planned Parenthood in a particularly unpleasant way). She has the same unshakeable belief in herself, the same glossy self projection, layered over…
