Pet care and the rapture

An interesting quandary in the otherwise very certain moral world of the followers of Harold Camping, was described in a wonderfully deadpan way in a recent  Business Week article.  The link is here , but I cover the part that particularly tickled me below. The followers of Harold Camping are of course the people who…


Jazzellerault 2011

After half a lifetime of coming to France from the UK, I am still surprised how two countries 21 miles away at their closest point can be so profoundly different. As time has gone by I still find as many examples of differences as I do of homogenization.  Jazzelerault 2011 is a classic case in…


Choeurs au Diapason

French choristers roar away to great effect. The French choir Choeurs au Diapason hail from Marseilles and are around 130 in number.  Even in France the sight of 130 massed French people causes an Englishman concern.  To see this number dressed in white (the women), or in full evening dress with white silk bow ties…
