Author: DMcA

Gerald Brooks on the legendary organ at the Abattiale de St Ouen

A once-in-a-lifetime experience listening to a very unique instrument. In a previous post I wrote about a performance of the St Saens ‘Symphony with Organ’ at the Albert Hall.  In researching that instrument, I learned about the organ at the Abattiale de St Oue, in Rouen, which is held by many to be one of…


Slow boat to Heathrow

Over twenty-five years of intensive traveling, I must have made (I roughly calculate) more than a thousand trips to Heathrow and back.  You would have thought there was little in the limo or minicab business that I had not seen in that time, but on my way to the aerodrome this trip I encountered a…


The trouble they’re in – part 3: Google’s problems with Apple

Apple’s all-out assault on Android around the world is Google’s biggest problem by far.  And on the day that Steve Jobs retires, it’s looking bad for Google/Motorola, Samsung and HTC.  Very bad…… In the last post on this subject, I covered Google’s problems with Oracle, and noted that the Apple situation was likely to be…
